Lost Ark's May Update Brings the Slayer, New Progression Events, Event Guardians
The May update for Lost Ark, "Slay Your Way to Elgacia" is coming tomorrow. The update includes the newest advanced class, the Slayer, new story quests, the new Ebony Cube, progression events, and the arrival of Event Guardians. The update also features various updates and improvements, adjusts kn...May-11-2023 PST |Category: Lost Ark -
The Slayer arrives in Arkesia next week on May 10, accompanied by progression events to help players quickly level up. Learn about the Slayer’s abilities, engravings, and progression events below. The Slayer is the fifth Warrior Advanced Class— a female remix of the Berserker class. A melee wa...May-06-2023 PST |Category: Lost Ark -
Lost Ark Loses Two Thirds Of Players After Bot Bans
While the player count has dropped by 200,000, Lost Ark has all the earmarks of being more energetic without bots flooding the servers. Lost Ark was a tremendous hit on send off, hitting 1.325 million simultaneous players on Steam in less than 24 hours, breaking stage records.This put it, a...Jan-13-2023 PST |Category: Lost Ark -
Lost Ark: How to Get Song of Temptation
Song of Temptation is one of the numerous songs you can obtain in Lost Ark to increase your Compatibility, which assumes a huge part in the game. While the majority of the songs in the game are obtained from journeys and exercises that are glaringly obvious, the Song of Temptation is attached to a...Nov-07-2022 PST |Category: Lost Ark -
Spark of wanting to play start to die out
Do you feel that you're losing the excitement that keeps you playing? I used to be enthusiastic about signing in and working on my daily tasks. I realize that repetitive content isn't the best option for all people, which is the reason I tried to change things up. I have two sets of accessories fo...Jun-29-2022 PST |Category: Lost Ark -
Am I playing in a dream world
I've been playing since the beginning and had minimal to no issues in the least. When I get into the game more I am enthralled by it. The more I love it and would like to be part of the community that encourages me to join Forums as well as... there is this subreddit. There's plenty of love...Jun-05-2022 PST |Category: Lost Ark