​Lost Ark's May Update Brings the Slayer, New Progression Events, Event Guardians

May-11-2023 PST Category: Lost Ark

The May update for Lost Ark, "Slay Your Way to Elgacia" is coming tomorrow. The update includes the newest advanced class, the Slayer, new story quests, the new Ebony Cube, progression events, and the arrival of Event Guardians. The update also features various updates and improvements, adjusts knowledge transfer requirements, sharpening updates, and a lot of quality of life changes.

The Slayer is the advanced class for the Warrior, and the team calls her a "female remix"of the Berserker", with her own speciality, Bloodlust. Bloodlust becomes available when she fills the Fury Meter and triggers burst mode. This particular specialty will have the Slayer slash at enemies with her greatsword, thumping them back and causing an entire bundle of harm.

Tomorrow's update opens up several progression events like a new Punika Powerpass, a new Hyper Express event,and an Engraving Support system. The update also starts a brand new Cutthroat Demonstrating Grounds season. Season 3 is ready to go when the update goes live.

As a strike in the continuous battle against botting, the Punika Powerpass has some requirements. Just players who have a Steam trusted status, or who created their account before December fourteenth, 2022, will get a pass. After feedback on getting Steam trusted status, there is a path to do that for nothing listed in the patch notes.

The team as of late announced that there will be some new player Guardian Raid improvements that will help newer players, and those who could require some assistance after being away for some time or simply requiring extra chance to learn the mechanics.There will also be in-game aide messages telling players when to use these items during the raid. The items will also disappear as soon as the player leaves the raid, as the general purpose of this in level 1 to 5 Guardian Raids is to assist players with learning how to be successful in the raids.

Speaking of raids, Event Guardians are back. Take one of these on solo or with a gathering, as the Scale of Balance will be active. Strike the Guardian, which will drop stackable buffs that massively increase your damage. They'll eventually drop tokens you can trade for rewards when they're defeated.

The Ebony Cube is another large part of the update. It's a ruin and it replaces the Boss Rush and Cube completely. There will be three levels to the Ebony Cube, and on the off chance that you take it on you'll have to clear waves of enemies. Making Boss Rush and Cube into one activity is designed to eliminate grind while still maintaining great rewards.

This is a quite huge update, despite the fact that a ton of it is more on the technical side. There are an entire series of improvements, quality of life changes, and adjustments to endgame rewards, raid balance, Knowledge Transfer, and lots more.

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