Dark and Darker: Rogue Build and Guide

In Dark and Darker, players explore dangerous dungeons, searching for treasure while fending off enemies. Among the various classes available in the game, the Rogue stands out for its stealthy and fast-paced gameplay. Rogues excel in sneaking around unnoticed, looting items, and ambushing enemies, but they also have some notable weaknesses. This guide will help you understand the Rogue's strengths and weaknesses, and the best build.


Rogue's Strengths and Weaknesses


The Rogue class in Dark and Darker is all about speed and stealth. They can move quickly and quietly, making them ideal for sneaking up on enemies or avoiding detection entirely. With high attack speed, Rogues can deal damage rapidly, and their ability to hide in shadows or sneak past enemies makes them perfect for looting valuable treasures. They are especially good at handling crates and other containers found throughout the dungeon, allowing them to find crucial Dark And Darker Items without alerting nearby enemies.


However, Rogues come with some serious drawbacks. Their health pool is relatively small compared to other classes, which makes them fragile in prolonged fights. They also lack the durability of other melee classes, meaning they can't take much punishment in direct confrontations. Additionally, the Rogue's effectiveness is highly dependent on their abilities, which come with cooldowns. This means that if their abilities are on cooldown, they become much more vulnerable. Finally, they are at a significant disadvantage in ranged combat, forcing them to get close to opponents to deal damage—something that requires both strategy and risk, even with stealth on their side.


Rogue Build – Skills


In Dark and Darker, every class can choose two active abilities, and the Rogue is no exception. These abilities allow the Rogue to be flexible, enhancing their playstyle whether you prefer to go solo or team up with others. Here are the skills currently available to the Rogue:


    Caltrops – Upon stepping on caltrops, enemies take 10 physical damage and suffer a 50% reduction in movement speed for 2 seconds. It's useful for slowing down foes and maintaining distance.


    Hide – This ability allows the Rogue to become invisible. Moving or performing an action will cancel the invisibility, but this skill is excellent for setting up ambushes or changing equipment during combat.


    Rupture – An offensive ability that causes the Rogue's next attack to deal an additional 20 damage over 5 seconds. This skill is great for increasing damage output, especially when targeting high-priority enemies.


    Smoke Bomb – A cloud of smoke covers a 7.5-meter area, reducing visibility and slowing enemies by 20%. It lasts for 30 seconds and is perfect for disorienting enemies and creating a tactical advantage.


    Weakpoint Attack – This skill increases the Rogue's next attack by 50% and reduces the target's defense by 50% for 5 seconds. It's ideal for quickly finishing off weakened enemies or delivering powerful blows in a team fight.


Recommended Skills for Different Playstyles


    For Team Play: If you're working with a team, Rupture is an essential skill. It boosts your damage significantly, allowing you to assist your teammates in eliminating enemies faster. Combine it with Weakpoint Attack to maximize your damage potential and help your team reduce enemy defenses.


    For Solo Play: When going solo, Hide is your best friend. Pair it with the Stealth perk (explained below) to remain invisible for longer, allowing you to set up ambushes or escape from dangerous situations. As a secondary skill, Rupture is still highly effective for solo players, providing extra damage when you need to take out enemies quickly.


Rogue Build – Perks


Perks in Dark and Darker provide passive bonuses and are unlocked every 5 levels. At the current level cap of 15, Rogues can select four perks. Below is a list of perks available for the Rogue:


    Ambush – Grants a 50% damage boost if you attack within 3 seconds after leaving stealth. This perk is a must-have for stealth-based playstyles.


    Backstab – Increases damage by 30% when attacking an enemy from behind. This perk works well with the Rogue's mobility and stealth, allowing for devastating backstabs.


    Creep – Significantly reduces the sound of your footsteps when crouching, making it easier to move silently through dungeons without alerting enemies.


    Dagger Expert – Provides a 5% damage bonus when using daggers, making this perk essential for dagger-wielding Rogues.


    Hidden Pockets – Items worn in utility slots do not appear on your waist, offering a stealth advantage by keeping important Dark and Darker Items hidden from view.


    Lockpick Expert – Allows you to open locks without a lockpick, making it easier to access locked chests and doors, which can hold valuable loot, including Dark And Darker Gold.


    Pickpocket – Enables the Rogue to steal items from other players, which can be useful in both PvP and PvE situations.


    Poisoned Weapon – Successful attacks poison enemies, dealing 4 magic damage over 4 seconds. The poison can stack up to 5 times, making this perk excellent for prolonged fights.


    Stealth – This perk allows you to move up to 10 steps while remaining invisible. It pairs perfectly with the Hide skill for sneaky approaches and surprise attacks.


    Trap Detection – Reveals and disarms traps in the dungeon, which can save you and your team from taking unnecessary damage.


Recommended Perks


    For Stealth Playstyles: If you're using the Hide skill, perks like Ambush and Stealth are essential. Ambush will increase your opening damage, while Stealth allows you to remain invisible for longer. Combining these two perks makes you a deadly threat, capable of dealing massive damage from the shadows.


    For High Damage Output: If you're focused on maximizing damage, Backstab and Poisoned Weapon are excellent choices. Backstab synergizes well with the Rogue's mobility, and Poisoned Weapon adds a damage-over-time effect that can turn the tide in longer battles.


    For Team Support: If you're part of a group, Lockpick Expert and Trap Detection are invaluable perks. They allow you to open locked areas and disarm traps, helping your team progress through the dungeon more safely and efficiently. Additionally, these perks can lead to discovering valuable Dark and Darker Items or even Dark and Darker Gold, benefiting the entire party.




The Rogue class in Dark and Darker excels in stealth, speed, and precision. With the right combination of skills and perks, Rogues can become deadly assassins or invaluable team members, capable of scouting ahead, unlocking treasures, and dealing massive damage. Whether you're playing solo or with a group, investing in Dark and Darker Gold and optimizing your gear with powerful Dark and Darker Items can further enhance your gameplay, ensuring you dominate the dungeons and come out victorious.